"The Ones" as my surname obviously indicates consist of Wan Mohd Fahimi, Yusniza Hani, Wan Danish Haiqal & Wan Iman Syuhada as we share our journey in life.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tiada cuti bagimu Ayah!
Tugas seorang ayah tak pernah kenal erti cuti walaupon sememangnya dia tengah bercuti. Aku dah start bercuti sampai tahun depan. Last minute baru perasan annual leave hanya 50% boleh carry forward ke next year. So, minggu last Dec ni mmg kena amik cuti whole week. Alhamdulillah, selesai sudah urusan hari ni di Sri Ayeesha Islamic School. Tomorrow's task - Iman's registration day at Tadika Khalifah Bestari. Rasa mcm anak dah masuk SBP plak! Siap ada waiting list utk enrol 5-years-old Iman ke tadika. And this tadika has 10 classes for 5 years old kids ALONE, with 20 kids in each class. Semoga terus melakar kejayaan wahai puteriku, Wan Iman Syuhada.
Monday, December 26, 2011
To my dear Mum
Today is a very special day to me. Not just because it's the anniversary to my engagement to my lovely wife, Hani but it is also my dearest mum's birthday!
Happy Birthday to my dear mum, Zainum Binti Husain. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi mu dan mengurniakan umur yg penuh keberkatan, Insha Allah. Thanks for always being there for me. Love you!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Seminar Transformasi Pendidikan Islam
Cabaran sebenar ibubapa dlm proses mendidik anak2 ialah searching for the right blend antara Syariatullah dan Sunnatullah, agar kedua2nya bergerak seiringan sebagai satu sinergi. Ibubapa adalah QC kpd anak2 mereka supaya produk yg dihasilkan menetapi spesifikasi yg telah diendorsekan oleh Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah, banyak maklumat berguna yang aku & Hani dapat daripada seminar Transformasi Pendidikan Islam semalam. Pengisian yang amat berguna dan releven utk diketahui oleh semua ibu bapa sebagai panduan membimbing anak masing2 terutamanya dalam sistem pendidikan semasa yang serba mencabar. Jazakallah kepada Ust Hasrizal, Tuan Fazrol dan Ustaz Hasni dari SM Al-Amin. Semoga Allah membalas jasa kalian untuk perkongsian ilmu yg sungguh bermanfaat.
One thing that I've really learnt throughout this seminar is, Do NOT compromise your children education. Walaupon terpaksa membayar harga yang tinggi untuk pendidikan anak2 terutamanya yang berbentuk Islamic, nilainya adalah priceless. Sekularisme dalam sistem pendidikan yg sedia ada telah merencatkan generasi kita. Wallahu A'lam.
Jangan lah kita hanya melahirkan dan membentuk khalifah yg baik tapi hamba Allah yang gagal, mahu pon hamba Allah yang baik tapi khalifah yg gagal. Renung2kan lah...
One thing that I've really learnt throughout this seminar is, Do NOT compromise your children education. Walaupon terpaksa membayar harga yang tinggi untuk pendidikan anak2 terutamanya yang berbentuk Islamic, nilainya adalah priceless. Sekularisme dalam sistem pendidikan yg sedia ada telah merencatkan generasi kita. Wallahu A'lam.
Jangan lah kita hanya melahirkan dan membentuk khalifah yg baik tapi hamba Allah yang gagal, mahu pon hamba Allah yang baik tapi khalifah yg gagal. Renung2kan lah...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Just as the title implies, I can't believe I haven't been updating here in such a long time. My apologies to all my friends out there who took the time to pop back from time to time to see if anything new has appeared in here. Some even tweeted and sent FB msg typing, "Weh, bila ko nk updet blog daa?". Haha. Thanks guys. It brings a smile to my face knowing that some of you guys DO find my random babbling in here worth reading! Whether the read is substancial or not is another issue though.
The truth is, after taking up this new job since March things was a bit hectic considering another 15km extra to kill; travelling to work back and forth plus a much bigger responsibility on my shoulder. And enough with that, when I get back from work, I find that it's too big a sacrifice to open my laptop and blog when I have this little, limited time to spend with my wife and kids.
Well, maybe it's all about time management which I haven't mastered yet. Do pray for me that I'll get along fine so that I can blog more often. There's loads of happenings and updates that I'd like to put a remark on in here as our life has entered it's next phase. Just a piece of advice to brighten up your day, let's give value to the life of those people around you! You will find that your life will be more meaningful as your appreciation to Allah increase day by day. Take care people!
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