Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Danish is Four!

Danish Haiqal is 4 years old today - 17th Sept. Lagi 3 hari Iman Syuhada plak will turn 1 year old! Just imagine that. Damn, time really took us for a ride huh? Happy birthday son. May you grow up and become the son that we are all proud of. There will sure be obstacles along the way but hey, Ayah dan ibu will both be there for you, as long as we live, to support and love you along the way. May all your dreams come true. Ayah dan ibu love you very much. Here are some shots a day before the birthday boy turned 4.

p/s : Ayah & Ibu tengah pening lagi ni. Nak bagi present apa ek birthday abang long?


Faridah said...

Happy Birthday to both your daughter and son!

Kirim salam Kak Hani ek..

Nanti jumpa kat Bagan Lalang hehehehe

fariz said...

Happy birthday to abang and adik... lambat plak wish nih..

dah sampai bagan lalang tu, dah dekat sgt ngan my kampung dah...

Wan Mohd Fahimi said...

thnx faridah...
u guys must be thrilled since aunty pah n fahmi is going there to celebrate raya. especially firdaus!
bagan lalang? did i miss smtg? rasanye blog zaid pon ada sebut pasal bagan lalang. kat sepang kan? awat bagan lalang ek? clueless la plak...

yo fariz,
ni sorang lagi plak bagan lalang? aiseh, blur, blur...
danish & iman tnya, mana hadiah? hehe...