Smalam aku pi OU. Niat di hati nak shopping baju keje aku & Honey. End up baju Danish & Iman jugak yg kitorg borong! Iskk... that's the thing when you become parents. Skali semasa pi surau, terserempak Kucai, GG n anak2. So good to see them in person after so many years. Sblm ni dok tgk dlm FB je. Nak dipendekkan cite, kat lobby OU tu Watson buat promotion for Blackmore supplements. Masa balik KB baru ni pon aku ada cakap dgn Babah about this add on TV pasal Kordell supplements for rheumatoid or osteoarthritis (Yup, dad is suffering from gout and athritis on and off). Price shown on the add was RM188.00. Aku tanya Babah, tak nak try ke? Babah kata boleh gak kalau orang nak sponsor. Aku senyum je la. Dalam hati, Insya Allah.
Skali masa kitorang pi OU ari tu, tengah promotion Blackmore plak. Ni pon lebeh kurang Kordell gak la. Brand je lain. The promotion was to good to resist. A perfect gift for Father's Day. Normal price at RM188.00. Promo price RM129.00 plus you get 50 tablets FOC plus a Watson voucher of RM8.00 that can be redeemed intantly. So you only pay RM121.00. Promotion ends tomorrow at limited stocks. Baru je syok dok tanya2, Danish lak tarik tangan aku. "Ayah, Ayah jangan marah ye? Danish nak kencing". Alamak, at this point of time? Dah la dah nak dekat kul 11 ni. Kang tutup plak. Aisei man, terus aku cepat2 bawak dia to a toilet nearby. Nearby nearby pon, jauh gak la aku jalan. By the time I got back, the booth dah tutup. Frustrated I was. Dah takde rezki kot. Kena beli normal price gak la kot. Aku nekad, esok hari aku akan datang lagi.
Keesokan hari aku pi sana. Aku tarik nafas lega. Sib baek ada stok lagi. Cuma yang frustnya, voucher RM8.00 tu dah takde. So I had to be happy with with RM129.00. Lepas bayar, the cashier said that every purchase above RM80 is entitled for a lucky draw. So dengan bsimillah aku cabut the draw. Bukak2, dapat an RM10.00 voucher from Parkson. Haha. Compared to the RM8.00 voucher which I failed to get, with this Parkson voucher aku untung lagi dua hinggit.

Alhamdulillah. Betul la kata orang, kalau dah rezki tu, rezeki jugak. No matter how much you twist and turn. Babah, this one's for you. Happy Father's Day!