Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Larger Than Life

My life phase has been accelerating super fast lately. The unfortunate fact that I failed to blog some parts and parcels to it made it even worse. A lot of happenings and incidents took place in our family and fraternal friends around us in just a glimpse. If I could recap, those were important moments in life that I wouldn't trade for anything despite it being sweet and bitter moments in life. Shaky and teary moments come and go, and I'm still trying to stand on my very own two feets, surviving this very tidal waves. Allah's promise is keeping me strong :

“Kami tidak membebani seseorang melainkan menurut kesanggupannya, dan pada sisi Kami ada suatu kitab yang membicarakan kebenaran, dan mereka tidak dianiaya.” (Surah al-Mukminun: 62)

And as I walked through this very great moments, I'm glad I have a shoulder to cry on who is walking by my side through thick and thin, someone who always help me stretch for my inner strength, my inspiration; my wife Honey. Thanks dear. I love you so much.

Love you lots, dear!

Danish and Iman has been growing up really fast that I must say sometimes there were some point in my life where I thought a lot, thinking of how will things work for me when I grew old and my kids turn to their adolescence. Somehow deep inside, I know I will miss this very great moments. And if you're reading this my dear kids, I want you to know that I love you both greatly with unconditional and undivided love. You're the best thing that ever happen to me and your mother. May Allah blessings be with us always, Amin.

Danish and Iman in supporting the muslims in Gaza. Free Palestine!